Book Review — The Art of Inlay by Larry Robinson

The Art of Inlay by Lar­ry Robin­son is a well illus­trat­ed instruc­tion guide in how to make beau­ti­ful gui­tar inlays. Robin­son knows of what he writes as he has done gui­tar inlays for such artists as Led Zep­pelin and U2 and many oth­ers. The book is beau­ti­ful­ly set up with over 100 full col­or photographs […]

Mother of Pearl Inlay Technique, Part III

If you’re just now join­ing us, be sure and check out part I and part II of this 3‑part series on moth­er of pearl gui­tar inlays tech­niques by Gui­tar Inlays Head­quar­ters guest writer Sean Bar­ry. Part III–Routing and inlay­ing By now you should be fin­ished cut­ting your cho­sen pearl pat­tern, and you are prob­a­bly tired of […]

Mother of Pearl Inlay Technique, Part II

II. Inlay Pat­terns, Lay­out, and Pearl Cut­ting When last we met I spoke of tools and mate­ri­als (in Part I of this series), and I left you star­ing at an array of scribes, jew­el­er’s saws, thin blades, and noisy high speed drills. Now, you must choose an instru­ment or oth­er object to be inlaid, purchase […]

Mother of Pearl Inlay Technique, Part I

This arti­cle is a 3‑part mon­ster from my friend Sean Bar­ry down in Davis, CA. It is bar-none the best arti­cle on pearl inlay on the Inter­net, in my hum­ble opin­ion. When I was writ­ing my own MOP arti­cle for Gui­tar Inlays Head­quar­ters and research­ing the sub­ject, I found Sean’s old arti­cle and asked him […]

DIY Custom Guitar Inlays — Fret Position Markers That Save You Time and $$$

Project Gui­tar First let me say thanks to Bri­an John­son from Project Gui­tar for the inspi­ra­tion for this post — this is not an orig­i­nal Gui­tar Inlays Head­quar­ters idea. In fact as I was snoop­ing around the Inter­net look­ing for some new ideas and inter­est­ing things to write about, I found a bunch of great […]

Pocket $5,200 with these High-Tech Custom Guitar Inlays

High-Tech Cus­tom Gui­tar Inlays These cus­tom gui­tar inlays are SO cool… but first let me lay out the $5,200 math… There are 52 weeks in a year. If we assume you take one gui­tar les­son a week, at an aver­age cost of $20 for a con­ser­v­a­tive 30 minute les­son, that adds up to $1040 after […]

DIY Block Inlays Video

More Video Tips! Anoth­er tip on installing gui­tar inlays: Here’s a quick two part video on how to install block MOP inlay on a fret­board, from the very cool peo­ple at Goes through mark­ing and cut­ting a block inlay, sand­ing it, tips on how to mark up and tape off a fret­board for rout­ing, using […]

Simple Techniques for Custom Guitar Inlays Using the Larry Robinson Method

Here are some tips for begin­ners on mak­ing cus­tom gui­tar inlays using the Lar­ry Robin­son method. This video includes tips on design­ing the inlay, trac­ing pat­terns, how to route pat­terns on both dark and light col­ored woods, where to find and how to use tem­plates, tips on out­sourc­ing CNC, and much more.. This is a […]

The Absolute Basics: What Everybody Must Know About Guitar Inlays

What are gui­tar inlays? Gui­tar inlays are dec­o­ra­tive ele­ments which are set in the exte­ri­or wood of both acoustic gui­tars and elec­tric gui­tars. A beau­ti­ful inlay gives each gui­tar its own unique look, mak­ing it more per­son­al and visu­al­ly appeal­ing. Gui­tar inlays can also serve to sup­port the phys­i­cal struc­ture of the gui­tar (although this […]